How to Talk to a Woman on the Phone

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How to Talk to a Woman on the Phone

How to Talk to a Woman on the Phone ?You talked to the girl standing next to you at the bar last night, you had an exciting conversation, you had a good time, you had fun, and you ended up exchanging phone numbers.

How to Talk to a Woman on the Phone

So far so good. But despite your excitement about your new acquaintance and yesterday's success, now that you have your cell phone in hand and are getting ready to call her, you feel nervous.


Although talking on the phone is a simple thing — something most of us do every day with too much ease — in this particular case things are turned upside down.

The simple act of selecting the contact and putting the phone to your ear fills you with anxiety and doubt.

What is it that makes a simple phone call suddenly look like a great event?

As is always the case here, our thoughts and the interpretation we give to an event determine our feelings. How to Talk to a Woman on the Phone

Your desire to do well and make a good impression gets you emotionally upset – just as it does when you're about to start a conversation with a girl.

So if you want to know how to talk to a girl on the phone, then what you are looking for are ways and tips on what to say to her, how to say it and how to make her look forward to seeing you again.

You want to make sure that this call leads to more than just a phone call. So her importance is magnified in your mind and you start to worry that if you don't do well you will blow your chances with her.

But come on, this mentality does more harm than good to the chances for something better.

That's why the short answer to the question of how to talk to a woman on the phone is to be yourself.

Your goal is to make sure the girl continues to feel attracted to you.

And the easiest way to dissipate that attraction is to try to put on a show over the phone, to sound unnatural, or to make the girl feel like you're trying too hard.

So what you want is to relax and talk to her calmly and confidently.

Don't prepare a whole script in your head to talk on the phone

Just like before starting a conversation with a stranger you like, the mind is very likely to start racing. Acting out different scenarios, running dialogues and preparing for every possible and unlikely outcome.

But this whole process intensifies the confusion and anxiety instead of suppressing it.

So if your mind starts racing just before you call your new acquaintance, put a stop.

You want to sound natural and authentic, and natural and authentic conversations are not prepared.

Be yourself and avoid putting on a show for a woman you barely know.

After all, communication has patterns, it has structure, it has specific techniques such as, for example, active listening and telling stories, but it is a building based on spontaneity and emotion.

When you make the conversation specific and rigid, trying to follow a certain script, unpredictable factors and non-verbal communication will betray your awkwardness and nervousness.

When you talk to a woman on the phone, just like when you talk to her in person, the conversation should flow freely and effortlessly.

Don't pretend to be something you're not

Many people think that the goal in flirting is to impress with what you say. And that's why they don't succeed.

The real goal in dating is not to impress, but to reveal yourself and share your experiences and opinions. You want to express yourself and your personality in a few words.

When you're looking for something to say to impress, you're not really expressing yourself.

For example, if you're worried that what you're going to tell her about your life is boring, you can introduce some humor with a couple of teases in the conversation that will help her become a little more "delicious".

This is good because it shows your sense of humor and personality.

But if the teasing is not authentic, you have read it somewhere, you have prefaced it and you use it in the conversation without fitting or without coming out naturally, the girl will understand.

And guess what, nobody likes people who pretend. If the girl feels that she is not sure whether or not she can believe what you say then why should she believe you.....?

Focus on the girl

The issue is not what you will say to her but what she will say to you. You want your attention to be on the woman you're talking to and not on yourself.

The art of communication is not only about speaking, but much more about listening. It doesn't matter if you think your everyday life is boring. What matters is how the girl you want to talk to on the phone will respond to your words and how the conversation will flow freely.

If you pay attention to her words, you will find several opportunities to expand a casual conversation into an interesting conversation.

So when you call her, remember to relax and take the pressure off yourself. Listen to her carefully and talk about her based on her words. Learn her opinions, her feelings, her opinions and give yours accordingly.

This natural verbal give-and-take will allow you to project your personality much more and much better than having ready-made "sayings".

Don't talk for hours on the phone

Intermediate communication, whether you talk to her on the phone or through messages, is simply the bridge between the initial acquaintance and the date. The biggest mistake that is made here and that you should avoid is that this communication overflows.

Most men make this mistake and talk for hours through texts or calls. But attraction is hardly maintained in this way. And the longer you drag it out, the more likely the girl will lose her enthusiasm.

For this reason, don't get into the process of discussing for a long time how you're doing, what you're doing, etc. What you want is to keep the contact warm until the next time you see her in person again, and you want this next time to be soon.

Don't be afraid of conflict

An attractive man is not one who always goes along with others to get them to like him, nor is he one who changes his views to avoid conflict. On the contrary, he is the one who stays true to himself.

lovely attraction in women is closely related to a man's emotional strength, and because of this fact, a man who is submissive and inauthentic loses his appeal.

On the contrary, the man who knows himself and is not afraid to clash with others for his beliefs and values, is attractive.


For this reason, stay true to yourself and what you believe. Don't change your mind or your views just to get the girl you want to talk to on the phone to like you.

Don't forget that you should also remain a challenge and not give her everything on the plate.

She should also earn your attention and not be the one chasing her all the time.

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