How can i change my life and be happy



How can i change my life and be happy


  • (How can i change my life and be happy ) Are you one of the many women who decided at some point in their life to leave their  (How can I be happy)"safety zone" because they felt suffocated by security? Deep down, even though you were "fine", you knew you weren't happy.

  • This is what makes so many people decide to become entrepreneurs, even though they know that the road is not easy at all. But you are convinced that it is the best way to feel more satisfied with your life, to do what you like, what you are passionate about.
  • Although happiness has hundreds of faces and is a very subjective state, there are things (actions-truths) that when set in motion inside our heads and become habits bring us happiness.

How can I be happy? Learn what is actually proven to make you happier!

1. Change the paradigm: success does not bring happiness

Many people think that success brings happiness, but it is the opposite: happiness brings success. The person who does various things in order to feel good about himself, feel satisfaction and live moments of happiness every day can overcome life's challenges: in relationships, work, family, etc. According to a study conducted by Sonja

  •  Lyubomirsky, Ph.D. for the University of California, when people are happy they tend to be more energetic, optimistic, and confident, cues that lead people around them to find them more pleasant, sociable, and trustworthy. These traits open up opportunities for entrepreneurship, achieving goals, creating or developing new things, and why not, meeting a partner.

2. Choose to be happy, don't look for happiness

Happiness has nothing to do with how successful or how much money you have, quite the opposite: it's the starting point. We need to stop looking for happiness and start living it. In fact, research conducted by Yale psychologist June Gruber suggests that the constant pursuit of happiness can lead to anxiety.

  •  But happiness is not something that happens magically or is the result of a strategy. You can start feeling happier now by making small changes: forgive those who hurt you, try to keep your peace of mind, don't make everything tragic, and redefine your values, sticking to them.

3 How to live a happy life

Happiness is like a wonderful virus that spreads all around us. When we are surrounded by positive, grateful, enthusiastic people it gives us a sense of well-being which helps make all our days more enjoyable and productive. Research conducted by the BMJ Group concludes that one's happiness depends on the happiness of those around them. One could say that happiness is a collective phenomenon.

4. Focus on your purpose

One of the most basic factors for happiness is being focused. This allows you to live in the present, without the burdens of the past or the future. Research published in Sciencemag indicates that people spend 47% of their time thinking about the future and the past, which means that they are constantly absent from the present

  • the decisions they make, the memorable moments of today. Focus your energy on one thing at a time. So you will have all your attention focused on analyzing a report, on the text you write for your blog, on the creative process of developing an application or solving a problem, etc.

5. Exercise

How to live a healthy happy life

  Whatever type of exercise you do, it changes your day. You will have more energy, less stress, better concentration and the benefits are endless.How to live a healthy happy life The bottom line is that the effects of exercise are far greater than the change in your body – which, of course, is not negligible!

  •  Research has shown that people with depressive disorders who replaced medication with exercise showed high rates of recovery and, importantly, low rates of relapse. This means that exercise is one of the greatest sources of productivity, health and happiness available to us.

6. Be grateful

How can i be happy again

How can i be happy again Not only in people but also in life or whatever God you believe in. The more grateful you are the more life rewards you with more of what makes you grateful. Expressing gratitude is a way of being focused on your goals, it is an act of the present, of living in the today and not taking anything for granted. The Journal of Happiness

  •  Studies examined the effect of writing letters of gratitude. 219 people participated in the study and wrote a letter of gratitude once a week for three weeks. The results indicate that when we consciously feel gratitude for all that we have, then a clear effect is created on an emotional and interpersonal level, with levels of satisfaction increasing while levels of depression are decreasing.

7. Offer time, money and help to other people

How can i be happy with myself

Cassie Mogilner, who studies happiness with a focus on time management at the Wharton School, reports the conclusion she reached through her research: "Giving your time to others makes you feel more 'time rich.' The same is true with money, (How can i be happy with myself) according to a study done by Harvard Business School.

 The research points out that after analyzing the answers of several participants who had spent money on themselves or to buy something for another person, the participants of the second group felt more satisfied and happy. "Social spending" makes you happier and encourages other people to want to do the same.

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