How to talk to yourself




How to talk to yourself 

  • Do you know what self-compassion means? Quite simply, to deal with yourself in difficult times with the same care and love as you would for your own person. How is this done and why is it harder than you think?

Usually, when someone of ours is in pain or going through a difficulty, we treat them with mercy and kindness. How to talk to yourself  We help him feel better and support him as much as we can.

But what happens when we find ourselves in a similar position? Do we treat ourselves the same way? Based on research, only 6% of people treat themselves better than they treat others.

What is self-compassion?

How to talk to yourself 

What is Self-compassion is a relatively new term in psychology. It has been thoroughly studied by psychologist Kristin Neff. In self-compassion we examine the attitude and behavior we have towards ourselves, especially when we experience difficult experiences and challenges in our daily lives. Self-compassion is not self-pity, it is not self-confidence, it is not hyper-indulgence.

What is Self-compassion is not a psychological cure, but it has a healing effect on whoever practices it. Research shows that people who systematically practice similar techniques improve their relationships, are happier with their lives, handle difficult emotions with clarity and inner peace, are physically healthier and live with less stress.


The mechanisms of self-compassion

 Understanding and accepting painful thoughts and feelings

                                                                                                                       When we experience a painful or difficult emotion, we usually tend to suppress or avoid it. By observing the feelings and accepting them, we neither try to change nor suppress them.How to talk to yourself  We just recognize that they are human and avoid making something difficult even more heavy and complicated.

 Acceptance of the common human path instead of isolation

How to talk to yourself 

Many times - and especially when something bad or difficult happens to us - we think we are the only ones experiencing it. We take it personally. This results in us feeling isolated. But when we realize that difficult situations happen to everyone, they become easier to manage and we don't feel so alone.

 Self-esteem instead of self-criticism

We all experience difficulties, challenges and failures. All too often, most of us are harshly critical of ourselves and feel inadequate to incapable when we cannot cope with these difficulties. With self-esteem and kindness to ourselves, we recognize that no one is perfect. Mistakes are acceptable and human, and do not represent us as a whole. This treatment reassures us and provides a kind of comfort and support that we offer ourselves.

How is self-compassion put into practice?

How to talk to yourself  The next time you catch yourself making harsh self-criticism, or you feel that difficult situations happen only to you, you can take advantage of the above characteristics in the following ways:

1. You are your own best friend

Think of a loved one who was in a difficult situation. How did you treat him? How did you help it? What exactly did you say? What tone was your voice? Now,You are your own best friend think of a time when you found yourself in a similar situation. In what ways did you deal with it and how did you treat yourself? What thoughts were you thinking and with what tone of voice?

Compare the two cases. What similarities and differences do you find? If you find differences, ask yourself why they exist and where they come from.You are your own best friend What are the possible fears that hold you back and cause you to treat yourself differently than others?

Note the following: What would it be like if you treated yourself like your own person? What do you think would change and how? The next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, try talking to yourself as you would a loved one.

2. Self-compassion break

Think of a situation that causes you relative anxiety, something that you can manage, with little emotional intensity. Keep in mind the three characteristics of self-compassion break: 

  • He acknowledged that this moment is difficult.
  • Remember that difficulties are part of life.
  • Show mercy and self-pity,to yourself by trying to recognize what you need right now.

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