When His Eye Plays (stares) What to Do

07:30 Pm


When His Eye Plays (stares) What to Do

(When his eyes plays what to do) There are many men who have an eye for visiting other women. Even when you are together, he starts to stare intensely and as a result this offends you a lot and puts you in a very difficult position. He can only look to do nothing more, but this is also a great insult.

When His Eye Plays (stares) What to Do

Some men do it more subtly, while some more strongly. In any case, it is not the best to do this either in front, eye contact or when you are not with him and he has gone out alone. In this article of our magazine we will tell you what to do when your partner's eye is playing.

When his eye plays What to do

1. Tell him it bothers you

Talk to him and tell him that what he is doing bothers you. This situation offends you eyes. You are supposed to be in a relationship and together. If he wants to guest house, don't have a relationship and do whatever he wants. Clear things up.

If he respects it and doesn't do it again, he's going to say that he heard you and you're interested in him. If he is still indifferent to what you say to him and continues to do it strongly and in front of you then you should leave this relationship. Respect is above all in a relationship.

2. Tell him you're breaking up with him

Tell him if he does it again you will break up with him. He can't be playing with you and sitting around looking at other women. And you sit with your arms crossed and do nothing.staring eyes This is a great insult to you.

He doesn't respect you. What you say may shake him to his senses. If he really wants you and cares about you he will stop doing it. Sometimes eyes men need a good jolt to pull themselves together.

3. Do the same to see his reaction

Start doing the same to see if he likes this situation. In other words, you also started visiting others on purpose to see his reaction. eyes  If it bothers him and makes him jealous, he goes to say that it bothers him and he is not indifferent. Tell him that if he continues to stay overnight you will do exactly the same.

If he doesn't care at all, you shouldn't spend even a second in this relationship because it will only hurt you. someone's eyes And he doesn't really care about you. And don't forget you are worth a lot and you don't deserve to accept this unpleasant situation that overwhelms you...

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