Dietary Supplements and Weight Loss: What's Up?

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Dietary Supplements and Weight Loss: What's Up?

  •     Dietary supplements as an alternative and Weight Loss: What's Up?  According to the most recent report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - OE CD, (2015), in 2012 the percentage of obese Greeks over the age of 15 reached 19.5%. At the same time, experts agree that the reduction of caloric intake, systematic exercise, as well as the modification of eating behavior, are the cornerstones for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.

  • Weight Loss healthy body weight.

Dietary Supplements and Weight Loss: What's Up?

Dietary supplements as an alternative

Undoubtedly, changing eating habits is not an easy task, both for the dieter and for the professional dietetic. In the context of the effort to lose weight, many consumers choose a number of nutritional supplements, with the expectation that they will reach their goal more easily and in a shorter period of time. 


    According to an American study, an estimated 15% of US adults have used dietary supplements for weight loss at some point in their lives, while their use is more prevalent among women (21%) than men (10%)

In fact, based on the findings of the same study, it appears that less than a third of people who take weight loss supplements seek medical advice regarding the potential benefits and possible side effects of these preparations.

  •       What do these preparations contain and what claims do they come with? 

What's Up? Weight loss supplements can contain dozens of active ingredients with the most common being herbs and plant extracts, dietary fiber, caffeine, robotics, vitamin D, and certain minerals.


Some of the most common weight loss supplement claims include appetite control, body fat reduction, metabolism increase, and activation of tropic thermogenesis

What is the contribution of  supplements to the reduction of body weight?

The answer to this question is not simple weight loss , as most supplements contain a wide variety of ingredients, making it difficult to isolate the effects of each ingredient. In some cases, there may be evidence for only one of the ingredients in the final product, but no corresponding evidence for combinations with other ingredients.

 Additionally, dosages and concentrations of active ingredients vary significantly between supplements weight loss, and the composition of the products is not fully described in published studies. Often, the evidence for a drug's potential benefits comes from animal or laboratory studies rather than human interventions. Studies may also use different and sometimes inappropriate methods of assessing the effectiveness of a substance (or set of substances) and be of short duration, thus limiting the robustness of the findings.

What ingredients have been linked to  weight loss? 

  • Below, we analyze 10 ingredients that have been linked to weight loss. Let's see what is true!

1. Green tea (Camellia Insistent) 

It is often found in the formulation of weight loss supplements in the form of an extract. The active ingredients in green tea that have been linked to weight loss are caffeine and catechins (flavonoids). Green tea is thought to contribute to weight loss by increasing energy expenditure, lipid oxidation and reducing adipogenesis.

    • Effectiveness

    • It leads to moderate weight loss which appears to be a result of the synergistic action between catechins and caffeine.

    • Security

    • Side effects such as constipation, gastrointestinal discomfort and nausea have been reported.

    2. Caffeine 

    It is found as an additional ingredient in supplements for weight loss. It stimulates the central nervous system, boosts mood and improves athletic performance. In addition, it appears to increase energy expenditure through thermogenesis and enhance hydrolysis through an increase in epinephrine.

    • Effectiveness

    • It is associated with less weight gain over time. Combined with catechins, it leads to modest reductions in body weight, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI).

    • Security

    • According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), doses up to 400 mg/day for adults are safe..

    3. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) 

    It is a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in meat and dairy products. supplements for weight loss. It appears to inhibit lipogenesis and increase fatty acid oxidation.

    • Effectiveness

    • The data so far on the positive effect of CLA supplementation on body weight come mainly from animal models. Further research is needed as the results of human studies are conflicting.

    • Security

    • Doses of 2.4-6gr/day for a period of 12 months are considered well tolerated. Gastrointestinal disturbances, changes in blood lipids (e.g. reduction of HDL) and increase in glucose levels have been reported in some cases in obese patients.

    4. Vitamin D 

    Observational studies have shown that excess body weight Loos is associated with lower levels of vitamin D and that obese patients are often deficient in the vitamin. Excessive fat accumulation appears to bind vitamin D in fat cells, reducing its bioavailability and preventing its release into the blood.

    • Effectiveness 

    • The effect of vitamin D supplementation on body weight/fat is modest. Despite the association between low vitamin D levels and obesity, the scientific evidence does not seem to indicate a cause-and-effect relationship. For example, in a meta-analysis of 15 studies with the intervention methods of reducing caloric intake and increasing exercise (without vitamin D supplementation), it appeared that people who lost weight had a significant increase in levels of the vitamin compared to those who maintained their original weight.
    • Security
    • The recommended daily dose is set at 600-800 International Units (IU)/day. Doses greater than 10,000 IU/day are associated with nausea, anorexia, constipation, weakness, and elevated blood calcium and phosphorus levels.

    5. Glucomannan 

    Glucomannan (konjac glucomannan) is a soluble fiber, which has the ability to absorb up to 50 times its weight in water. It appears to increase satiety, delay gastric emptying, and reduce fat and protein absorption.

    • Effectiveness

    • The results of meta-analyses regarding the effect of glucomannan on body weight reduction are conflicting and without statistical significance.

    • Security

    • Its use can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, while taking it in tablet form can lead to esophageal obstruction.

    6 . Probiotics 

    According to studies in animal models, the gut microbiota appears to influence the host's ability to store and expend energy. It has therefore been suggested that maintaining the balance of the microbial flora through probiotics (friendly bacteria) can contribute positively to weight control. The strains that are being studied for this effect are the bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, however the number of clinical studies in humans is limited.

    • Effectiveness

    • Findings from studies in obese animal models have shown that probiotic supplementation in combination with a high-fat diet controls weight gain and fat mass. However, a recent meta-analysis of 4 randomized controlled trials in humans showed no statistically significant difference in body weight or body mass index after administration of Lactobacillus bacteria, highlighting the need for more research.

    7. Bitter orange (Citrus Aurantium L.) 

    One of the active substances of bitter orange that has been studied for its effect on body weight loos is synephrine. Possible mechanisms of action include increasing energy expenditure, enhancing lipolysis as well as suppressing appetite.

    • Effectiveness

    • The combination of bitter orange extract with other ingredients such as caffeine and St. John's Wort appears to have a positive effect on weight loss. However, the role of single administration of bitter orange remains unclear. In a small clinical trial, it was shown that single administration of synephrine leads to an immediate increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR). However, the long-term effect of bitter orange on basal metabolic rate remains unknown..

    8. L-Carnitine 

    It is a derivative of two amino acids, lysine and methionine. It comes from animal foods, but it is also produced endogenously in the human body. L-Carnitine transports long-chain fatty acids into the weight loos  mitochondria of cells for energy production and appears to improve athletic performance and reduce fatigue. Because it acts as a cofactor in the beta-oxidation of fatty acids, it has been suggested that it could help with weight control.

    • Effectiveness

    • According to studies in both animal models and humans, L-Carnitine does not appear to play a role in weight loss.

      9. Capsaicin 

      Capsaicin is the active ingredient in red hot peppers. It appears to increase food-induced thermogenesis, energy expenditure and fat oxidation and suppress appetite. 

      • Effectiveness

      • Its effect on weight loss is considered mild. Combined with caffeine and catechins, it appears to help reduce body fat by increasing food-induced thermogenesis.

           10. African mango (Irvingia Gabonensis) 

      African mango extract inhibits adipogenesis and reduces serum levels of leptin (a hormone that regulates appetite), while it appears to have a beneficial weight loos effect on reducing total and LDL cholesterol.

      • Effectiveness
      • Scientific evidence suggests that it is associated with moderate weight loss and a reduction in waist circumference, however dosages vary between studies. Larger scale and longer studies are needed to draw firm conclusions.

      • Security
      • Doses up to 3,000 mg/day for a period of 10 weeks are considered safe. In rare cases, sleep disturbances, headache and gastrointestinal discomfort may occur.

        in conclusion

        The scientific data so far does not seem to support the claim that the use of nutritional supplements weight loos  can contribute significantly to the loss or maintenance of body weight. In addition, several of the active substances in question are accompanied by unwanted effects and may exhibit drug interactions.

         The most appropriate and safe method for achieving a healthy body weight remains a reduced caloric intake combined with systematic physical activity, under the guidance of a dietitian-nutritionist scientist. People with morbid obesity who face additional health risks in addition to lifestyle modification could discuss the possibility of taking approved medications or bariatric surgery with a qualified physician.......

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