How to understand what he wants from you Bed or a serious relationship



How to understand what he wants from you Bed or a serious relationship

Many women are not sure what the feelings of their boyfriend or the man who is claiming her are.Does he only want you for bed or are his feelings deep and pure? How can you understand that?Below you can see the signs that reveal exactly what he wants from you. Bed or serious relationship?

How to understand what he wants from you - Bed or a serious relationship

How to understand what he wants from you

1. He makes a lot of time for you

If a guy spends a lot of time during the day dealing with you then he probably takes you very seriously and doesn't want you in bed as a single.

In today's time, time is precious, so every person looks to allocate it where it really deserves.

A man looking to spend time with you instead of some other activity definitely shows interest on his part.

2. His plans include you

Every man makes a plan in his life and looks to his future. You can even ask him what his plans are for his own future.

Listen carefully to what he will answer you. If in his plans he only mentions his professional development and doesn't tell you about a family he wants to create together, about marriage,How to understand what he wants from you - Bed or a serious relationship or about how he sees your relationships in the future anyway, then he probably only wants you for bed.

If, on the other hand, he tells you how he sees your relationship in the future and how he wants it to develop, then he definitely really loves you.

3. Ask him directly

Many times women try to understand a man's feelings from various details but avoid taking the obvious. That is, to ask him directly.

When it comes to your future, you shouldn't hesitate. Ask him how he sees you, how he sees your relationship, and what his purpose is. But be careful not to be pushy because that scares men.

4. Has he met you among his people?

A man who is serious about a woman sooner or later knows her among his own people. That is, to his family, his friends and his friends.

Who has he introduced you to? How does it introduce you? Does he talk about you to his people? Does he ever mention you?

5. How much does his eye play?

When you go out together and a very beautiful woman passes in front of him and perhaps slightly provocatively dressed,How to understand what he wants from you - Bed or a serious relationship how much does his eye play?

The truth is that no man can remain completely indifferent to the sight of a very beautiful woman.

However, a man who has real feelings will never give much importance to another woman.

Even if he does look, he will do so in a very discreet way that will in no way offend his session.

If he is playing with his eye then maybe his feelings for you are not sincere. But even if it was, would you want a man who looks at others? Of course not.

6. Make your position clear

One of the first things you need to do is state what you want. That is, clarify your position. What do you want exactly; An adventure or a serious relationship that is meant to evolve?

If you are clear about what you want, then maybe he will tell you what he really wants from you.

7. Is he jealous of you?

Jealousy to an intense degree is unbearable and does a lot of damage to a relationship. On the other hand, if a man is not jealous at all, this can at least be considered suspicious.How to understand what he wants from you - Bed or a serious relationship A man who cares about a woman definitely wants exclusivity and doesn't like other men looking at her.

We're not saying he's oppressive. What we are saying is that he has a little jealousy or a fear of losing you.

8. How do you go out together?

Do you go out together in the first place and if so what exactly is his behavior? Does he ever hold your hand? Does he hug you? Or is one in the east and the other in the west? 

If a man wants a serious relationship then he won't hesitate to hold your hand on a walk or hug you on an outing.

Of course, this is not the absolute criterion as some men cannot easily express their feelings in front of people and are very hesitant.

9. Be honest with yourself

The best way to know if he really has feelings for you or just wants you for bed is to ask yourself with complete honesty.

What do you really believe in yourself? If you think he only has you to have a good time then it's probably true. Chances are, there are reasons why you believe that, which many times you may not even be able to explain yourself. How to understand what he wants from you - Bed or a serious relationship However, your subconscious gives you the answers.

On the contrary, if your instinct tells you that he sees you seriously, then this intuition is probably true.

So ask your heart and get an honest answer. Do you think he really wants you or are you an adventure for him?

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