What is One sided friendship in 2022
- (One-sided friendships) are a lot more common than you think and a lot more damaging too. It might just sound like you like and support your friend a little more than they do, but it can actually be a toxic friendship that ends up damaging your mental health and self-confidence.

But how can you know that you are in such a friendship either in your personal or professional life?
Here are 5 signs that should make you worry. And maybe keep your distance.
1# Only…..that suits the other person. Have you ever noticed that your friendship moves a lot on the other person's terms? Always meet when it's convenient for the other and go to the places he likes. Sometimes, this can just be a coincidence.
But if it happens continuously over time, something is probably wrong. It can be hard to tell what's a coincidence and what's not, but if it keeps happening, there's a good chance your friendship isn't very balanced. Some people like to keep their "friends" always available. They choose to watch them when they are bored or when they have no better… offer.
Five Signs That A Friendship Is One-Sided (And You're Losing)
One-sided friendships are a lot more common than you think and a lot more damaging too. It might just sound like you like and support your friend a little more than they do, but it can actually be a toxic friendship that ends up damaging your mental health and self-confidence.
But how can you know that you are in such a friendship either in your personal or professional life? Here are 5 signs that should make you worry. And maybe keep your distance.
A friendship is one sided (and dating)
1 Only... what suits the other person. Have you ever noticed that your friendship moves a lot on the other person's terms? Always meet when it's convenient for the other and go to the places he likes. Sometimes, this can just be a coincidence. But if it happens continuously over time, something is probably wrong. It can be hard to tell what's a coincidence and what's not, but if it keeps happening, there's a good chance your friendship isn't very balanced. Some people like to keep their "friends" always available. They choose to watch them when they are bored or when they have no better… offer.
2..You always make the effort. Are you always the first to text, suggesting fun nights out or weekend coffee mornings? Everyone has their own life, but what matters is whether the other person will find time for you in their own life. If you feel like you're always the one making the effort, it might be time to reevaluate your friendship.
3..You feel used. This ties into the previous point. You may just be a convenience to them – company when they are bored – rather than a true friend. If you often feel tired at the end of a day with them, you're probably right. The other person may be using you. This may be to fill the void of a missing friends or partners, as mentioned above, or it may be to make them feels better aborts thems elves. Some people surround themselves with many "friends" to appear more popular. They want to seem loved and valued, they want to share stories and fun nights out, and they want to fill up Instagram with their busy social lives
4..You never hear thank you. We all like to do things to help our loved ones – we want to make their lives easier and more enjoyable, and we also like to feel like good people. This is all completely normal and healthy, as is the expectation or desire to hear a thank you. Whether it's just a quick "thank you" for buying them coffee or a festive night out if we help them move into another house - it's nice to feel appreciated for the efforts we make for our friends. So it's not surprising that we feel bad when we do all these nice things and don't even get a thank you.
5...You can never rely on that particular friend. One of the most important aspects of friendship is trust and support. We all want someone we can lean on in a difficult time. If this element is missing from your friendship, you may need to worry. Or you just have to rank that particular friendship lower on your scale.............
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