The truths about female friendship

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The truths about female friendship

  • The truths about female Friendship is a magical relationship that affirms human nature's need for companionship and sociability. What are the truths about female friendship.

The truths about female friendship

A saying goes that 'a true friend is one who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you for who you are'. Friendship is a magical relationship that affirms human nature's need for companionship and sociability.

A relationship that can develop us and complete us. However, female friendship has many times been characterized as weak, problematic, even non-existent.

Much has been said about female friendship. Some believe that she is a chimera and that two women cannot be true friends. Competition, jealousy and insecurity will manifest sooner or later and the friendship will fall apart.

Still others believe that friendship between women not only exists but can be long-lasting and of high quality. Each person experiences different experiences that disprove or verify the above theories. Maybe you too had friends you lost and childhood friends who are still with you.

  • You might be wondering what ultimately makes the difference and a friendship stands the test of time. Is it the people, the gender or the circumstances? After all, the truth may not be as negative as we think.

True 1st

Male and female friendships are indeed different

Researchers have come to the conclusion that there is a significant difference between male friends and female friends which does not necessarily determine the quality of the relationship. Specifically, it has been found that the two sexes express their intimacy in different ways.

Male friends tend to express their intimacy by doing things together, for example watching a football game. Also, topics of conversation between men are usually general in nature and less personal.

Women, on the other hand, express their intimacy by revealing information about their thoughts, feelings, and relationships. So men can maintain long-term friendships by talking about things like sports, cars, computer games and other topics of the same type without finding it necessary to share information about their inner world, personal life or mental state.

  • Women have a need to share their feelings with their girlfriends and this is something they consider essential for a close friendship.

True 2nd

Strong friendships exist between both men and women

So bearing in mind that women desire a deeper and more emotional bond with their girlfriends, while men are content to do things together without necessarily revealing their inner world, is there really a difference in the quality of female and male friendships? Experts disagree on this: others argue that male friendships are less supportive and more superficial than female friendships.

For a meaningful friendship, they say, friends must share personal information, because this brings people together. Some, of course, strongly disagree with this notion, arguing that the male version of intimacy is also very powerful.

Men express their closeness with friends by participating in shared activities such as fixing a broken car, going out for drinks, lending each other their tools. This kind of affection is 'camouflaged' but still shows strong feelings of friendship between men.

  • The bottom line is that although men and women express their friendship differently, both groups can create strong, meaningful and healthy friendships.

Really 3rd

Women are less tolerant of their friends' mistakes

The truths about female friendship

While traditional theories want women to be more socially flexible, research from the University of Montreal in Quebec, Harvard and Emanuel College in Boston has revealed that female friendships are less tolerant, more volatile and more likely to be shaken by a single negative event compared to male friendships.

The reason for this finding may be that women having invested emotionally in their girlfriends, revealing personal information and confessing their 'secrets', have greater demands and higher standards for their girlfriends.

  • Practically, then, female friends are more sensitive to the mistakes of their friends and associate these individual mistakes with a general lack of trustworthiness.....

Really 4th

Women experience competition differently in their friendships

An unwritten law that governs female friendships is that there should be no competitiveness. For most women, if friendships are relationships of sympathy and genuine interest, then the existence of competition leads to doubt and disappointment.

Competition in friendships preoccupies many women and is mainly focused on issues of career, social status, academic performance and appearance. However, most research on the subject shows that women experience this competition negatively.

Part of the difficulty women can have with competition has to do with the early stages of socialization. Women are not socialized to face competition head on. As young girls, they play games that may involve the concept of good performance but not necessarily competition (e.g. jump rope).

Boys' games, on the other hand, are more competitive, so they learn to negotiate this competition so that play continues. Boys' games are also governed more by rules than by their own relationships.

  • For this reason, arguments between girls are more likely to break up their game. These differences in children's socialization may shape later behavior and affect how women experience competition.

Really 5th

Jealousy? And of course there is!

Often we can notice that there is jealousy between women who have a friendly relationship. Whether it's the girlfriend's new expensive bag we wish we had, the bigger house, or her good looks, it doesn't matter.

It is important that sometimes, many women wished they had all the good things of their girlfriend to feel more confident and more attractive. Of course, this behavior does not only stem from insecurity, but also from the social and cultural facts that outline what the image of the 'perfect woman' should be.

  • It has also often been reported that rivalry between women is related to their desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex. However, jealousy cannot be completely eradicated, it is an emotion like any other.

  • (What can change is how we process jealousy).

Really 6th

Strong friendship can be built as long as we want to

If you really want a strong friendship that will stand the test of time, you have to work for it and understand your own share of responsibility.

To strengthen your friendship, try

1..Make time to have meaningful conversations with your girlfriend and do things together.

2..Listen to her carefully and while listening avoid the temptation to interrupt to talk about yourself.

3..Ask her if there is anything you can do to improve your friendship.

4..Share your own feelings and thoughts.

5..Give your girlfriend stimulating, positive comments and compliments that are sincere.

6..Show her you care.

7..Avoid telling her you can't see her or that you're busy every time she calls you.

8..Don't ignore it every time you find a new partner or have a problem at work............

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