Third age: The feeling of loneliness

03:50 Pm


 Third age: The feeling of loneliness 

In recent years, the structure of the family has completely changed. It has gone nuclear and its members have urbanized. The elderly now live separately from their children either in the same city or in the countryside. This separation leads many elderly people to feel lonely. Really, have you ever wondered what you will be like when you too enter the third age? What will be your needs and desires?

 Third age: The feeling of loneliness 

We are afraid of aging both for our appearance and for our mental decline. Women rush to prevent the first wrinkles on the face and neck by discovering the most expensive and specialized creams. They convince themselves that they will remain youthful and the age they want to stay. In various ways we achieve the external appearance and indeed we can hide ten to twenty years from our real age. But what happens to the inner part of ourselves?

Unfortunately or fortunately, this is the natural evolution of humans and at some point we all reach 70, 80 and even 100. In fact, Greece is a country where the number of centenarians is increasing at a steadily increasing rate. But let's look at some signs that show us that we are really starting to enter the third age.


The first sign that someone has grown up is retirement. For some it seems to have a positive impact. Research, however, has proven that retirement has a negative effect on people. There are several changes in everyday life. Man ceases to socialize with his colleagues, to have his basic working hours, the responsibilities that are required to be performed faithfully by him for several consecutive years. Suddenly, his routine changes, with the result that the person becomes more miserable, grumpy and depressed. He feels, in short, as if he has lost the meaning of his life.

Loss of loved ones 

Another sign that a person is moving into old age is the loss of loved ones. Certainly the death of a spouse, a sister or a friend is a major turning point in a person's life which unfortunately intensifies the feeling of loneliness and sadness. Also, the feeling of fear is created. The fear of his own death. After all, the "thirst" for a little more life is deeply rooted in us.

Health problems and Dementia 

A third and important factor that proves that we have grown are health problems. Problems such as impaired hearing, incontinence can make someone feel embarrassed and thus resort to isolation. The main thing, however, is when the person has memory problems. The presence of dementia causes significant mental and behavioral dysfunctions in the affected person. However, dementia causes an emotional, social and financial burden on the caregiver. In fact, Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. It is an irreversible, progressive, neurodege nerative disease. According to the Alzheimer Society, around 200,000 people suffer from dementia in Greece today. Studies have shown that the annual cost of dementia is estimated at 3 billion euros.


The above factors, therefore, lead an elderly person to loneliness. Prolonged loneliness can cause depression or a decrease in the immune system. This means that the elderly person becomes vulnerable to infections and there is the possibility of causing heart attacks. Both the duration and the quality of life are significantly affected.

What are the needs of the elderly? 

The important thing for these people is to feel useful. Let them feel that we need them and we need them. Simple examples are babysitting a grandchild or cooking a meal. Encourage them to share their favorite recipe with you. Supply them with the necessary ingredients and give them the pleasure of making a food or dessert together in their own way! This will have a double benefit as the younger ones learn the secrets of the "old" while the older ones will feel that they are still useful and have something to give to the next generation.

Quite encouraging, it seems, is their participation in voluntary actions, taking part in various clubs. The feeling of love and giving is an important good for both the giver and the receiver.

Equally important is their involvement in activities that help them physically and mentally, such as learning a dance or a foreign language. This can help them socialize thus avoiding inactivity and isolation..

They can also be provided with memory exercises by mental health experts, with coloring books, puzzles and crosswords. Such activities mobilize and strengthen the autonomy and self-esteem of the individual. They improve the psychological state, fighting withdrawal while at the same time helping to strengthen mental functions.


Every senior has his own story, personality and pride. He may deviate at times with his behavior, either because of some illness or because of the loneliness he feels. However, he retains his feelings, so we must always protect his dignity and self-respect. Know that the "keys" to a quality and warm relationship are honesty and straightness. These are two approaches that always confirm respect and understanding for our people. Let's not forget our grandfather, grandmother, father or mother. We need them and they need us even more especially now in the time of the pandemic.

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