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How to create the perfect blog post
Who to create the perfect blog post Who can argue with the importance of having a blog within a website? Blog posts are the ideal way for businesses to drive traffic to their website.
But in order for a business or a freelancer or even a hobbyist blogger to drive that traffic, they will need to populate the blog with great content.
How to create the perfect blog post
Many will answer that they already have an active blog but do not get any benefit from it. I have heard countless times, people's complaints about the low traffic on their blogs. There are so many I could write a book. Wait, I'm actually writing a book about this, which will be published soon!
Does it seem like it takes ages to get people's attention to your blog? Do you think you are doing everything right, but unfortunately, the people following your blog are few and far between? Want to know why this is?
Because popular blog posts have a certain structure and characteristics behind them that ensure success.. Let's shed some light on them!
Why do blogs exist?.
Many years ago, blogs started from a deep human need to freely share interests, hobbies, professional identity and passion for creation.
Then followed the need to create new ways to develop additional financial income. So, the original motivation to communicate & create together with the second strong motivation to earn money, made blogging a widespread activity all over the world. Companies, organizations and individuals invest time and resources in maintaining blogs.
People want to increase their awareness, launch their products, new customers, sell their work or services. That is why we see many types of blogs such as lifestyle or fashion blogs, technical, business, travel, political, e-commerce, educational, magazines and many more.
Blogging is another form of income stream for people who have entrepreneurial DNA in their blood. Decades before the term “startups” appeared, a group of restless journalists began actively writing and publishing their work on blogs. In those days blogs were called: weblog.
In a way, we can say that journalists and writers, in the early 1990 , showed us how to use blogs. Who to create the perfect blog post Today many bloggers earn their living through this activity. So from the days (1991-1994) when blogging was just a hobby, today it is a multi-billion business.
From January 1994 when the first blog was created to today's micro blogging platforms, blogging has been an important part of the development of the internet and the evolution of digital marketing.
We have to admit that today's blogs and bloggers are very different from the first blogs. But regardless of the different conditions, blogs and bloggers are the living cells that keep the organic evolution of the internet strong.
It is obvious that blogging has changed in the last 10 years, but the reasons that motivate every blogger to type 500 to 3000 words every day have remained almost the same. Communication and self-publishing are the top motivations for almost every blogger in the world.
The Basic Steps of Blogging
First of all save 2 hours in a quiet corner of your home. Then turn on your computer and start typing your blog post title. If you're an old-school creator like me, you can start writing in your notebook. Before writing anything, you need to choose a topic for your blog post.
All the steps we will follow are these:
Define your blog's interests and identity
Choose a topic for your post
Research the main keywords
Create a title
Start writing your text
Use relevant keywords
Choose interesting and S E O friendly headlines
Keep your text over 800 words
Make your text S E O friendly
Add relevant images with appropriate descriptions
Add main image with appropriate description and alt text
Add meta description
Check grammar, syntax and paragraphs
Keep sentences short
Add internal links
Add tags and categories according to S E O principles
Write a short cover message for sharing on social media
Add the ability to share on social media
Optimize graphics and visuals for easier sharing on social media
Define your blog's identity
To make your life easier, define your blog's identity and purpose from the beginning. When we clearly know what needs our blog meets, it is much easier to determine exactly what to write about.
For example, my blog (idea.com) provides information on digital marketing, S E O, S E M, social media marketing, web design, digital marketing ethics, digital technology, coding and apps programming, digital marketing strategy and seminars.
Knowing your blog's mission makes it easier to understand which keywords to use to get the best results and high quality traffic. When the field we are moving in is clear, then you can even talk about a cake recipe from the perspective of digital marketing. Defining the main keywords acts as a core for creating the content
Train yourself to do daily: Check. Optimization. Repetition. Control. Optimization Repetition. Control. Optimization. Repetition.
Transform into an optimization athlete! We want our blog and our content to improve every day! It's the surest way to manage your online visibility.
We also want the undivided attention of all search engines that constantly scan and evaluate the texts + links + photo descriptions and deep data inside blogs/websites.
Proper use of S E O basics and keywords can give our content the “relevant content” and “valid source” mark for specific searches. And this is among the main goals we want to achieve!
Smart Titles
Headlines are the gateway to your blog!
Choose clever and enticing titles for your blog posts. Within 2 seconds clearly communicate the general idea of what the reader should expect from your content.
If someone has Googled “How to start a blog” and your title says “How to start a blog in 10 steps” it is likely to appear as an organic (non-advertised) result/answer within first 2-3 pages of Google.
However, Who to create the perfect blog post to keep the visitor and the search engines happy, you need to apply these four basic rules:
Stay focused on the topic of the titlePresent all the data and useful information that supports your content
Use original and professional photos & videos
Apply all S E O best practices
Headlines fight to grab the reader's attention within 2-3 seconds as they see the results on their screen. Communicate your message clearly! Check out these examples:
How to Create an Amazing & Lovely Blog in 10 Steps
The best way to create a blog [with examples]
Which would you prefer? Of course, the third. It is short, clear and motivating with examples. Remember that you should use similar “key phrases” in your text and headings....
Learn how to use epilogue.
Attract the love and attention of all the search engines and place your blog at the top. The right keyword research can get your content on the first pages of Google. Who doesn't want that?
Besides, keyword research will give you stronger titles for your blog posts. As we said before, strong headlines attract attention and generate more traffic. Hence, gradually your posts will rank higher in S E R P S (Search Engine Results Pages).
My favorite content creation tool is Answer the Public. As they describe it, you can find out what questions your audience is asking and what they are searching for around any topic. In other words, it provides many different alternatives to create the perfect Title, Questions, Content and Descriptions.
Twitter can also help you. Type in the keyword phrase and check the results. Some results may give you great ideas for your topic or even your headlines.
When I researched the word “blog”, I found keywords and phrases with lower search volume. I found that they were more specific to the audience I was trying to reach.
It is extremely important to know from the beginning which audience we are targeting because specific keywords attract specific eyeballs. The eyes of the public we want!
Post Descriptions
If you omit meta descriptions, then search engines will not be able to understand what the content of a post is. Also, visitors need a short description before clicking on your link. They act as a brief preview of content. Try to keep meta descriptions under 155 characters.
Ancillary Titles
Subheadings are very necessary within the text. They act as directional beacons of interest for both visitors and search engines.
They are part of the basic S E O steps and their absence can cost our content a negative rating.Who to create the perfect blog post Could you imagine this text without titles? Just seeing a sequence of paragraphs with no clue what exactly is at each point of the blog post. Could you happily read a sheet text? Of course not!
Titles and sub-titles work like smart taxi drivers and direct the audience to the right place. The main title is always written in H 1. Subheadings/subheadings are always written with H 2 or H 3 or H 4. Subtitles should contain relevant keywords that support the main keyword of each blog post.
Recommended Base Image
A picture can tell a story better than 1000 words. Featured images grab visitors' attention faster than headlines. There is a very good reason that the main images are placed at the top of the blog post. It is the best place to get attention.
We want the proposed featured images to reflect the atmosphere of our text, but in a more subtle way. It is more effective to avoid excessive use of photos that create negative impressions or have excessive visual noise.
Choose images that create a positive mood and trigger the visitor's curiosity to read more. Here's an example of our featured images on blogging:..
The main text
Our blog posts are based on high quality articles that offer knowledge and knowledgeable information. Gradually, try to reach 2,100 – 2,500 words per post if you want to make search engines consider you as a reliable source. Content creation gets easier with practice!
Provide valuable, well-written and understandable texts with clear structure, good syntax and grammar. Write exactly as you speak, but use your best expression. Short sentences are the best option for blogging beginners. In general, overly long sentences can hurt your text's readability score. In other words, avoid long sentences-paragraphs. 15-20 words in a sentence is the perfect recipe for happy readers.
We must also emphasize the importance of having statistics and evidence when we want to convince the reader of the validity of our arguments. It's not enough to just talk about something, we have to be able to prove it! Use tables of statistics, screenshots and other independent sources that your reader can refer to.
Keep in mind that in long texts, it is more pleasant to add different types of visual elements. Such as:
brightly colored images
audio recordings
posts from social media
info graphics
Add a friendly epilogue
It would be impossible to write blog posts that never end. But the epilogue needs art and grace to not act as a bad experience for the reader.
Before you get to the end of your blog post, help readers prepare. Pleasantly escort them to the exit door gracefully and in a good manner. Share your personal opinion or provide more resources for them to study. Close your blog post in the best way.
In some cases, while writing your personal conclusion, you can also add a call to action.
Use the last few lines as an invitation to join the conversation. Ask your readers to share their opinion on the topic. And always thank them for taking the time to read your content!
The epilogue.
Thank you for sticking with me until the last series! I hope that these 8 minutes, which you took to read my text, made you richer in knowledge and experience.
I would be very happy to hear your opinion on this matter. If there is an issue that is troubling you on your own blog, please share it with us in the comments.
Who is ARETI Vassou?
I am Areti Vassou and I live between Greece and America. I work as Digital Marketing Director, S E O Expert & Content Creator at IDEA ECO and GRAFIMEDIA companies. I love music, books and cats. And when I want to calm down I make cakes and cookies.
Why are you reading an article of mine on Just On Line today?
The creator of Just Online,Who to create the perfect blog post Arsenis Paschopoulos hosts columnists on his corporate website. Content creation can become more enjoyable and stimulating when there is a good spirit of cooperation between professionals. We thank Arsenis for the invitation. He is not only an excellent Digital Marketing Expert but also an excellent partner!